Mind, be still....

02:14 0 Comments

You say,Father: “Be still, and know that I am God;I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”.Psalm 46:10

Well, there are many verses in your Word that I can quote religiously. There are many declarations I can make based on your Word. For many of those inspiring quotes, it is easier to quote or declare than to have the required faith to back what has been declared. This brings me back to the verse above: I think it is almost impossible for me as a human(I won't talk for others) to stay still in the face of trouble or, as it applies to me, in the midst of many thoughts bombarding my head at the same time. Try as I can not to worry, i always end up doing so. It is easier to take the decision to worry than to take the decision not to worry. Isn't that strange? I know this would make me look like I am just not strong enough spiritually but it is the truth. I am so eager to know what you have in store for me...to have a glimpse of what the future holds...to know If I will eventually become that man that you so earnestly want me to be...to know whether I won't disappoint those who look up to me...worries, worries, worries...

Yet you always refer me back to your Word: "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" Matthew 6:34. 

It's not easy, Father! I want to be able to plan for the future!!! Hmmmm, ok, I get what you're saying now...planning for the future is different from worrying about the future...hmmm...well, there seems to be a thin line between worrying and planning. I think what I tend to do is plan and dwell on the plan till it turns to worry...Lord, help meee!!! I want to be able to take my troubles one day at a time!! Worry is an attack from the Bad One. I get it now..for some of us, the Bad One has learnt to attack us in the most innocuous way. He tries to distract me all the time with the little things...all while I'm watching out for attacks on the big things. So, in essence, he still gets to eat away slowly at my faith...in tiny bits...because if I have real faith, I will know that the things that bother me are slowly eroding my physical and spiritual health.

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Matthew 6:25.

Dear Father, well...I have said already that I hardly worry about these things mentioned in this verse. Oh ok, I get it now, worrying about my sustenance is the same thing as worrying about what the future holds...hmmm, true!! I cannot even predict what will happen the next second!!!I should simply relax, I know...I should even learn from MY past...I could never have predicted that I would be where I am today. My past does not look anything like my present and my present was the future of my past!I have gone through a lot of rough times but you still brought me through!! I am still standing!! Father, all I want now is to gain your mercy to give me the grace of a calm mind..help me de-clutter my mind...give me peace beyond my understanding. Chase away those voices that tell my mind all those negative things....I want to be able to show in the near future that I put all my thoughts that burdened me on you and you sorted me out...I want people to see the peace you will give me and yearn for it...It was a nice conversation again, Father...